Welcome to our Journey to Wellness Course 

It's time to prioritise wellbeing and we can't wait for you to join us on our practical Wellness Adventure

Why join our wellness journey?

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Build sustainable wellness habits

Our focus is on building lasting habits. Rather than offering theoretical content, our modules will guide you with practical tools and resources to develop flexible and sustainable wellness practices that can be integrated into your daily routine.

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A holistic approach to wellbeing

Our course takes a holistic and collective approach to wellness, offering an understanding of our various energy levels. You'll gain a well-rounded understanding of what it truly means to be well and flourish in your daily life.

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If you have been invited to this course, it means your employer is supporting your wellness journey. All this course will cost is 45-minutes of your time every 2 weeks over lunch so it doesn't impact your working schedule!

Our 6-week wellness program

Our program has been designed to be as flexible as possible. In total, our courses run for 6-weeks but for convenience of fitting into busy and flexible schedules, our webinars will run every fortnight on Fridays over lunch (12pm to 12:45pm). Our first session kicks off Friday 8 September.

What's even better is each webinar is optional - you can pick and choose which webinars you would like to join - but, we highly recommend you try to attend all. Each module has been meticulously designed to build on the previous week, allowing you to have a comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of holistic wellbeing.

Each week, we'll email you a downloadable handout with the juicy content for that week's discussion, along with some tips and strategies for you to implement in to your day-to-day routine!

Week 1: The importance of self-care

This session sets the groundwork for our course, beginning with the cultivation of a growth mindset, essential for personal development. We then introduce Martin Seligman's PERMA model, a pivotal concept in positive psychology that frames human flourishing. The model's elements guide our exploration of well-being across four energy realms - Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Each realm forms a distinct module in the upcoming weeks, setting us on a path to holistic well-being and personal growth.

Week 2: Physical wellbeing

In this session, we'll explore the essential aspects of physical health and the strategies to enhance our physical energy. Discover practical tools and flexible strategies for mindful eating, optimising sleep, incorporating regular exercise, and staying hydrated - all crucial components for increased vitality and well-being. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner on the path to healthier habits, you'll gain actionable insights that can be easily integrated into your lifestyle.

Week 3: Mental wellbeing

This session delves into the realm of mental health, exploring its pivotal role in holistic wellbeing. We'll introduce the concepts of positive psychology, exploring the idea of human flourishing and harnessing our personal character strengths. Our interactive exercises will help you identify and understand your own strengths and empower you to leverage them in daily life. We'll share evidence-based strategies and tools for you to maintain positive mental health and continue nurturing your mental wellbeing beyond the sessions.

Week 4: Emotional wellbeing

Embracing Emotional Balance: Insights and Strategies for Emotional Wellbeing

Here, we dive into the intricacies of our emotions and the essential role they play in our overall health. We'll explore emotional intelligence, understanding its impact on our personal growth and relationships, and learn some adaptive coping mechanisms to navigate life's stressors. We'll introduce principles of mindfulness and some practical tools and strategies to regulate our emotions and a balanced state throughout our daily life.

Week 5: Spiritual wellbeing

We'll debunk the myth that spirituality is synonymous with religiousness. Instead, we'll explore spiritual health as a profound, holistic connection to oneself, one's values, and one's community. Through a values assessment activity, you'll gain clarity about your core beliefs and see how aligning actions with values can foster spiritual wellbeing. Here we expand on mindfulness from last week's session as a tool for deepening self-awareness and fostering inner peace. We'll discuss the power of community and its role in nurturing spiritual health, and share practical strategies to incorporate spirituality into everyday life.

Week 6: Building wellness habits

In this concluding session, we'll weave together all the threads of knowledge and practices we've gathered over the course. We'll focus on translating these learnings into robust, sustainable habits that will support your ongoing wellness journey. You'll receive practical strategies and tips for habit formation, helping you integrate the principles of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing into your being beyond this course.

Join our wellness journey today! 

To register, click the button below. You will be navigated to a registration page to input your details.

Participant Love

"Going through the wellness program has helped me to see how our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy or wellbeing is inter-related and that we need to make more of an effort to take care our self to be a better person at work and at home and in life. The program highlights things that we know are aware of, but it brings them to the front of our minds so we make an extra effort to practice gratitude to take care of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. Most importantly, I have been able to build 1 positive habit from this program, which has made a difference in my daily life, which is what I am most appreciative of."

"The program is great, it helps you realise that your physical and mental wellbeing is very important and the driver for everything you feel and do. It affects not just your personal life and relationships but also how you perform at work. It is great to do a program like this with your work colleagues, we get to know and understand each other a bit better and can keep each other accountable for promises we make and goals we set."

Have questions about our course or want to know more information?

Reach out to us today.